Lynda Marie

For me, the wrong turn was always the right turn. During my colourful life, I experienced the usual bouts of disconnection and illness that is so prevalent in the human body and psyche.

But let’s go back to the start – when I first was attuned to spirit?.

As a child, I felt an undeniable mystical connection and awareness that guided me gently along the path of life. I was always speaking to spirits. I remember my family sitting around chatting at gatherings, lamenting about family members that had passed. They would compare stories of how they saw and heard them often. These mystical stories affirmed what I already knew; what I had already seen; and the Spirits who had already been speaking to me.

I remember feeling deeply contented with ‘being’ with my inner spirit. But it wasn’t long until the demands of the exterior world steered me away from my inner being, fragmenting my spirit and causing pain.

Anger set in as a teenager. I refused to acknowledge God – and protested by saying things like: ‘If there was such a thing as the world would not be this way.’ The further I stepped away from my ‘being’, the more I started to fade.

A defining moment of life was when I was 17 on a school tour. We went to a monastery for a day trip. The teachers played the song ‘Everybody Hurts’ by U2, and it cracked me to my core. Then we all took turns to go visit the Priest to chat about how we were feeling. Yes this is a weird thing for a school tour but it was Ireland and surprising a great day. Looking back was quiet special. My sister was also there too, loved this memory of us all before finishing school.

Instead of the allocated few minutes, I stayed on with the Priest for an hour. Afterwards, all my friends were laughing at me and joking around about staying so long, but I stayed silent and smiled back. That day I left the monastery with a part of my being awakened to a warm inner knowing, remembering my essence like back when I was a small child.

The spirit seed was planted As I got older, I had a very strong sense that I wanted to leave a impact in our world in some way. Even when life and earthly circumstances became extremely loud with the duality of do’s and don’ts, somehow I would always be called back to my Spirit.

As an adult I became drawn to study and train as a practitioner in many fields of fitness, wellness, energy work and intuitive healing, keen to connect a path towards harmony and health for myself of course but everyone else too. I worked with teams of wellness experts, physiotherapists and osteopaths throughout my time as a holistic personal trainer and kinesiologist.

My next two awakenings were brought on by traumatic circumstances: the heart-breaking loss of loved ones through death – and then my own debilitating illness. It’s like the world was nudging me towards my highest calling. I was feeling very unwell with no diagnosis, strived me to search far and wide when I was so fortunate to find BioMagnetism. which was the treatment I received full recovery with.

That’s what led me to San Francisco to study BioMagnetism, going on to treat clients with debilitating Lyme’s disease, chronic hormonal problems, viruses and chronic fatigue – witnessing them all make a full recovery. With any immune compromising illnesses, I blended my trainings with my own intuitive healing gifts to heal my clients’ mind, body, heart and spirit equally.

I was successfully healing others, while being constantly called to come back to ‘Self’. My next awakening was all about love, and healing ancestral wounds, and finally returning to the awakening of mind, the psyche, how it creates our reality the great and the not so great. How to refocus and co- create,

After all five awakenings of the soul that each taught me another gem of truth, I had a strong sense to heal intuitively online, realising my  abilities to scan people’s body and spirit across the globe become more aligned 

I moved overseas and left all distractions behind as the world closed down, and I spent all of the pandemic living on an quiet mountaintop in Spain, experiencing two more profound attunements. This is how Awakening Being Online was founded, connecting to my clients spirits, on a spirit level  to heal clients in a much more direct way. To be far everyone of these steps was the stepping stones to this moment.

My sense of love and connection has brought me here, to create healing opportunities for others. Today, I love what I do but in saying this I always have. Working and growing with people for 25 years now hard to believe.. I help people connect deeply to their essence what lights them up, together transcending contradictions and feelings of separation from others and ultimately . I help people heal  from trauma and repeated patterns from fragmentations within.

I feel that it’s a privilege to be part of someone’s healing journey – to witness them heal, to work with a person to facilitate growth on all levels, ultimately allowing the human self to transcend inwards, everything is already there it always has been. This is a journey that needs community and helping hands and I dearly thank everyone that has helped me and I worked with in turn to this point. 




Are you ready to Awaken your Being?

I can’t wait to meet you – and I especially can’t wait for you to meet your gorgeous inner spirit.

With love,

Lynda Marie

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