The mind is a place where the fragmented spirit goes to hide from the truth of the heart.
As we grow up from the glorious, free-spirited bliss of childhood, and we plunge into the first few stresses of adulthood, we are fooled to think that we are destined to suffer.

But it’s important to remember that this is all an illusion. When we get caught up in the stressful illusion of life, fragmentation of the spiritual heart occurs, disrupting the natural flow of our body, mind, heart and spirit.
When this occurs, we have simple forgotten our inner knowing. We have misplaced the keys to the truth. And we no longer know how to converse with our inner spirit.
How fragmentation happens
We unknowingly become fragmented every day through looping thoughts and outdated beliefs caused by stress, social conditioning and distraction.
These contradictions cause our true identity to continuously fragment. Separation and fragmentation muddles up our inner compass, leading us to indulge in further distractions and self-sabotage.
We get easily distracted or displaced from our divine purpose and our intentions. Mental exhaustion, digestive issues, emotional turmoil, spiritual disconnection, burnout, and dwelling in the dark nights of the soul are symptoms of “warped time”, creating a fragmented identity and fragmented thoughts, feelings and behavioural patterns. This is responsible for halting the natural flow of being.
All these contradictions of the mind create thoughts of I can’t, I can, I will, I won’t, it’s not, it is, they are, they’re not.
It’s no wonder that “I’m not” becomes the new norm.
Fragmentations in our being create loops of warped timelines. This can plummet our being into decay-creating illness, loops of grievance, relationship turbulence, and mental angst, shifting our reality into loops of manifesting contradictions.
We get easily distracted or displaced from our divine purpose and our intentions.
But we can return to a life of harmony and connection, awakening to our inner spirit again.
The more we heal fragmentation within our spirit and restore our inner knowing, the closer we are to spiritual awakening. We can awaken to our inner compass, to truly come back home to who we are: human spirits with sacred hearts.